
These are the style of jewelry I make: spiritual, contemplative.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Shocker Becomes Learning Experience!

While I was off work recovering from pneumonia, my friend Pat came over, bearing a recent issue (Nov. 2010) of Birds and Blooms magazine.  I happen to like that magazine, and we have a little recycle thing going, with newspapers from our house going her way, and magazines from her house visiting me.

Anyway, she told me I needed to look at page 58, and I did.  It was such a shock that it's a wonder I didn't have a relapse right then and there!  And not only was I shocked, I was mad and discouraged, too!

For there on the page was a beautiful wind chime, made of a silver teapot and silver spoons, and the hanging parts were beaded.  The same kind of thing I had been making, independently, all summer, for my fall shows.  I use lots of other items besides teapots and spoons, but still!  I had thought I was being so crafty and different!  (See photos at right)

Included in the article were detailed instructions on how to make your own version of the pictured chime, and also, there was a website:  A couple of weeks later, after I came out of my drama and subsequent slump, I decided to visit the website to see what else was being made by the artist, Elsa Mikus. 

Interesting!  Lovely!  In addition to seeing her other works, I got acquainted with the way her site is effectively set up to sell her artwork.  No longer feeling disgusted, turning my attitude around had made a useful learning experience.

So, you crafting and artist readers, I encourage you to get hold of the magazine, or visit the website.  And as usual, blessings to all--and to you,too, Elsa!

Miss Elainie

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Time Flies

Today's subject involves not only my literal time, and how I spend it...but thoughts on how to incorporate the concept of time into my work.  Some visuals that intrigue me: compass roses, like the ones used on old maps, to show the directions, and clock faces.  Wait, there's more:  keys and spirals.  Direction, time, and place, and unlocking something.  Hmmm.

I have already decided that I need some junked clocks to take apart for their interesting gears, to use in a project about time... and the compass rose and the spiral both have to do with finding direction, the spiral being about growth and influence as you live...and the keys evoking the keeping safe or the freeing of something.  Thoughts to ponder.

Anyone who has been following my blog knows that I am off work, struggling to recover from pneumonia.  It has been a frightening and sobering experience to be this sick and have this much trouble getting well.  It certainly has made me do lots of thinking about life, the people I love, and the pursuit of a satisfying creative life.

Blessings---Miss Elainie